
New and Old

I've been busy working at Viewpoint Studios in High Point on my internship and haven't posted anything in a while. I went to the lake on my day off and took some photos. Here are some with an old one thrown in.



I was waiting for the right light for my HDR image(the last image) and heard a noise in the woods. This doe and her baby came down to drink. They were only about 40 ft. away(yay for public parks and being desensitized to human presence).


Stephanie said...

I really love all of these images, David! The one showing the texture of the dry ground is really cool. The last one is nice too...good light and I love the reflections in the water. Nice job!

Jessica Massey Benton Lobdell said...

I love the final photography. Something about the composition and the reflection, and the solitude... oh happy forgotten solitude, when wil I return? :) Anyway, your photography is always refreshing to peer upon.