
Viewpoint Projects

Working at Viewpoint gave me the opportunity to light sets and photograph furniture on a daily basis. Here are a few of the shots I did while I was there.


mattbell said...

amazing stuff.

jenn laughlin said...

Is this what your new pad looks like? Swanky!!!! These are very nice clean crisp images.Good job mr.Clark!!

suestolarczyk said...

David Great lighting! what an awesome job. I really like the clean crisp photograph.

Jackie Willis said...

the photos make me want to go shopping for NEW furniture, love it all.

Lucy said...

David, these are really great. I'm jealous that you were able to shoot stuff on internship. Looks like you learned a lot!

Tara Joyce said...

You did such a great job! The lighting is amazing and I'm jealous of how much you got to shoot on your internship. Everything I have seen of yours gets better and better everytime!

Kathryn Whitehurst said...

David, you have some really nice work from your internship...great lighting and photography.

Robert Howington said...

Good work David. I checked your plumb and it looks pretty good. Glad you enjoyed your internship.