
Breakfast Illustration

My first client project for my Commercial Photography class.

Kodak DSC Pro SLR/n
1/750 sec @ f/4
iso 400

Another 1st Year Photo

This was an image I shot for Design Lab II in the spring. I used a Mamiya RB67 with Tmax 100 film. The exposure was 1 min. @ f/16 and toned in photoshop. It was taken at MLK Jr Drive in Greensboro, NC.


1st Year Photo

This is a photo I took for large format II. It was shot with a Sinar Alpina 4x5 using Tmax 100. F/5.6 @ 1/4 sec. Scheimpflug was used. I added color in photoshop. It is located at the New River outside Sparta, NC.