

More random work. I liked the leaf with the light playing across. The viewfinder was me trying to do something different while taking a break during a long school day.

Working With Wood

Here is my final project for John's multimedia class. We had to do an interview with an interesting person and make a sound slide. Many thanks to Charley for being the subject of this project.


Dessert Redo

I wasn't happy with the cheesecake shot labeled dessert. The shot wasn't tight enough and I didn't like the placement of the fork or wine glass. Chuck wasn't happy either, based on the grade he gave me so we both decided I should "revisit" this assignment. After a few tears, and almost some blood(papercut) here is the one we both were happy with.

The purpose was to convey a sense of time and place and in a way tell a story.

The stats:

Leaf Aptus 17 on Mamiya 645AF
120 manual macro lens
1/120 @f/4
broncolor pack

Icon Assignment

Our class had to put together an iconic image assignment. We were to use a new photograph and make a business card and postcard to represent ourselves. Here is the postcard, the business card is under construction for the moment.



Yes, another portrait of Chuck. Talk about a nerve racking assignment, having to photograph your instructor. Things went ok, except that he liked to move around...always out of the hair light.

Shot with a Sinar digital back on a Mamiya Rz67
1/60th @ f/8

Out of Date

I found some old Kodak bw400cn 35mm rolls laying around. They were probably a year out of date when I shot them.


Que hora?

Our commercial class had to photograph jewelry for one of our latest projects. I used my pocket watch and shot it with a Sinar F1 4x5 with Kodak E100g film.

1/60th(didn't really matter)
bracketed using dial on speedo